Property:Subcategory of

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"Subcategory of" is a predefined property. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.

Pages using the property "Subcategory of"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Organizations by continent +Society by continent  +, Organizations by location  +, Organizations by region  +,
Organizations by country +Organizations by location  +, Categories by country  +
Organizations by legal status +Organizations  +
Organizations by location +Organizations  +, Categories by geographical location  +
Organizations by membership +Organizations  +
Organizations by region +Organizations by location  +, Categories by region  +
Organizations by subject +Organizations  +, Categories by topic  +
Organizations by subject and country +Organizations by subject  +, Organizations by country  +
Organizations by type +Organizations  +
Organizations of Switzerland +Organizations by country  +
Organizations of Switzerland by canton +Categories by canton of Switzerland  +, Organizations of Switzerland  +
Organochlorides +Organohalides  +, Chlorine compounds  +
Organohalides +Organic compounds  +, Functional groups  +, Halides  +
PD US +Hidden categories  +, Public domain  +
PD administration +Contents  +
PD directories +PD basic information  +, PD help  +
PD help +PD administration  +, Help  +
PD help contents +PD directories  +
PD page protection +PD administration  +
PD policies and guidelines +PD administration  +, PD help  +
PD project Economics +Society MediaWiki projects  +
PD protected pages +PD page protection  +
PD: +Contents  +
PD:About +PD:  +
PD:About the Public Domain Project +PD:  +